
If you need information or assistance in business law, please leave a message at the Business Law Clinic at 250-472-4522 or by email blc@uvic.ca. A BLC representative will respond to your message as soon as possible. If your particular problem or legal question aligns with the goals of the program, the clinic will schedule an interview so that you can discuss your situation with a University of Victoria law student. In addition, you will participate in seminars on professional liability, criminal law, prison law, family law, social law, residential tenancy law and wills. You are expected to appear frequently before the tribunal and also conduct hearings before administrative tribunals. They also participate in public legal education programs, outreach clinics in hospitals and correctional facilities, and seminars. The seminars focus on social legislation and topics of practical interest such as stress management, time management and case management. We also host an outreach clinic at the Victoria Native Friendship Centre. For more information or to make an appointment, please leave a message on the OCLC voicemail at 250-472-4522, by email blc@uvic.ca or by fax at 250-721-8146. More than 1,800 people walk through the door of the Law Centre each year for legal advice and representation. (a) perform all work on the list of required experience; Reading: Core exam material, LBC services are available to a variety of business owners, entrepreneurs and not-for-profit organizations operating in British Columbia. The clinic supports people who have questions about commercial law issues. These services are offered throughout the year, except during the months of April, August and December.

Hospitalized individuals and persons who are unable to attend the Legal Centre due to a disability or illness may call the Legal Centre. A staff member may visit them for instructions. Legal Centre staff do not provide legal advice over the phone. Call us at 250-385-1221 to find out if we can help you with your problem. Every Friday afternoon, students attend a planning and case comment meeting. During this meeting, we ensure that in all cases pending in the coming weeks, a co-counsel is appointed and that a clinical supervisor is assigned to appear in court with the student responsible for the conduct of the case. In addition, students discuss legal, ethical, political and procedural issues that have arisen in cases where they have been dealt with during the week. The Friday afternoon meeting is structured and takes place in an informal „happy hour“ atmosphere. We offer several clinical programs that provide you with practical and practical experience within a legal framework in addition to the regular academic program. You can enroll in clinical semester programs that offer an in-depth examination of a specific area of law or legal practice.

Some semester programs are offered on a work-study basis or are subject to student interest. 17:30-19:00+ Seminar: The use and operation of ASD and Datamaster The Wall of Fame, where the more than 1500 students who have participated in the Law Center`s clinical program since 1977 have registered their names. Legal services at the Legal Centre are provided to persons who are financially qualified for legal assistance if the Legal Centre has the resources to assist the client at the time of application. The Law Centre`s lead funding is provided by the Law Foundation of British Columbia Law Centre Privacy Policy Contact – Log in to Site 2. A short presentation can be given or an example of the skill to be developed can be demonstrated using a filmed example. In addition to his professional activities, Michael is also a sought-after speaker who is regularly invited to discuss topics related to law and management. He is a regular practice management columnist for the legal blog SLAW and has written articles for The Lawyers Weekly, BarTalk and Canadian Lawyer Magazine. In addition to formal lessons, students are criticized in performing various skills. During the semester, students are closely monitored in their work by Clinical Director Glenn Gallins, Assistant Clinical Director Steve Perks, and Clinical Instructor Tybring Hemphill.

All files completed by students are reviewed in three formal file reviews. In addition, all trials and other important court appointments are monitored and supervised by one of the clinical staff. Clinical staff maintain a comprehensive „open door“ policy and students can always get advice and support regarding the records they keep. „Thank you for your excellent work at the University of Victoria Business Law Clinic. I really appreciate all your hard work and research on (my) project. I received your memo and found the legal information incredibly helpful to me. I particularly appreciated your investigation and review in the process of forming a non-profit corporation. The Business Law Clinic („BLC“) is staffed by final-year students from the University of Victoria`s Faculty of Law and provides legal research on corporate law issues to entrepreneurs, community organizations and small businesses in the community. 13. An interdisciplinary approach to solving legal problems The first month of the semester (known as the orientation phase) was spent at the Faculty of Law.

During this time, students develop the skills and knowledge they need to work effectively on client issues at the Law Center. Click here for a typical schedule of the orientation phase. The student workspace is set up so that you can work independently or with the support of your colleagues. (iii) Law Centre Relations with the Judiciary or Members of the Practising Bar Association, Michael Litchfield teaches the Business Law Clinic course (LAW 349) at the University of Victoria`s Faculty of Law and is Program Director of the Business Law Clinic. Michael has had a varied career as a corporate lawyer and management consultant, including at a national law firm in Vancouver, founding a corporate firm in the interior of British Columbia, and most recently founding a management consulting firm, Thinklab Consulting Inc. Michael`s current practice includes providing strategic and project management consulting to clients in a variety of areas. Industries. The Legal Centre is not limited to work and study. Staff and students celebrate whenever we can.

This is where Estella and Alix celebrate Ben`s birthday! Professor Gallins` teaching and research interests focus on clinical legal education, legal skills, and the application of social science research techniques to develop strategies and techniques to improve the delivery of legal services. 11:00 – 1:00 LUNCH (plus drive to William Head Prison) The Law Centre provides advice, support and representation to clients who cannot afford a lawyer. Thousands of people living in the capital district are cared for every year. The Legal Centre also offers legal education programs to the public. While law students at the University of Victoria cannot draft new contracts or amend existing contracts, they can offer legal research and information on the type of information that should be included in different types of contracts, the elements required to validate a contract, and best practices for different contracts. Her professional experience includes 3 years as a child protection worker with the BC Ministry of Internal Affairs, 4 years as a lawyer with Together Against Poverty Society and 8 years with Community Living Services / Community Living BC as a guardianship social worker. His charitable work includes 14 years as an active board member of the Together Against Poverty Society. Their role is to provide social work services to clients through the Law Centre and to educate labour law students in an interdisciplinary environment. Prof.

Gallins puts on a mask to make a serious point about the interview – while entertaining the class during orientation. Students at the Law Centre can help self-represented individuals prepare documents to initiate or respond to family court proceedings regarding assistance, custody, access and protection orders. (a) advice to the Small Claims Court and the defence of a contravention; and „The Law Centre has been my favorite experience at law school because of the skills you acquire, the support you get, and the friendships you build. Working at the Legal Centre is like learning to swim by being thrown into the deep end with swimmers. It can be stressful and overwhelming, but you know you`ll always have the help and support of everyone in the office. The support you receive here is invaluable and second to none. My experience in law school would be incomplete if I had not participated in the Law Centre. – Yuvraj Sagoo 11:15 – 12:30 The Role of the Defense Lawyer in Criminal Cases 10:00 – 11:00 Seminar: Preparation of divorce documents that are not rejected by the court registry Students can also expect to deal with criminal law and procedure, civil procedures relating to small claims, Family and divorce matters, evidence, family law, prison law, consumer law and social legislation, including Employment Insurance, CPP, employment and support (social assistance), landlord and tenant law, and human rights. In order to achieve the course objectives, students must complete certain tasks that are listed on the „Required Experience List“ distributed to students at the beginning of the semester. I`m really going to miss working here. It is a unique opportunity to learn many different research styles and a safe environment to experience real advocacy. The staff is awesome and the office dog ends up warming up for you. In addition to a pass or fail grade for the course, students will participate in a large self-assessment of their performance at the Law Center.

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